A bit of news

14th August 2023

I was working in a different job for a year so there wasnt almost any free time on progressing a graphical or design projects.
Now having some leisure time for a few months, transfering most of the old files i could, some are still remaining.

LOTRO World maps were captured, sadly some updates were missed. Full world maps arent worked on for now.

To not get completely crazy from all project transfers and to clear my head with something bit more creative, changes were done on a previous work in progress Blender tests with bit of introduction into geometry nodes, strongly inspired by various tutorials with some personal changes:

Huion H610 Pro Blender
Gum Drops Blender WIP

JpegXL and WebP re-encodes

10th October 2022

Jpeg XL images re-encoded with newer LibJXL version 0.7.0: effort level 9 and quality ranging from 92-94 (92 default).
In use if browser support is enabled (at this time have to be enabled manually in browser settings).
WebP images re-encoded with LibWebP version 1.2.4 as the second best option with quality from 93 to 96 (94 default).
If browser dont support any of these formats it will default (fallback) to standard JPEG images, re-encoded (quality 95).

JpegXL Test

12th November 2021

Testing JpegXL images in 1920x1080 resolution in Tropica and Gravity-Egypt section.
LibJXL version 0.6.1 - Default settings with effort level 9 and quality ranging from 85 to 92.
-Better details on high frequency well lit details.
-Weaker in darker scenes (caves, areas in shadows) and semi-transparent smoother details (dust or smoke).
